Bulk Trip Management

You can select multiple trips using the checkboxes next to each trip to perform the following tasks:

Unidentified Trip Bulk Mgmt scrubbed

Note: You might want to first filter the list prior to using one of the bulk trips functions.

Assigning Bulk Trips

Perform the following steps to assign bulk trips. 

  1. Click the checkbox next to Status in the heading to select all trips.
  2. Click the Assign Assign icon icon in the blue task bar. The Assign Trips dialog box displays.
  3. Click the Driver Name field to open the drop-down list and select a name.
  4. Click the Explanation/Note field and enter a comment about the bulk assignment.
  5. Click the Assign Assign button button to complete the task.

Assign Trips 

Closing Bulk Trips

Perform the following steps to close bulk trips.

  1. Click the checkbox next to Status in the heading to select all trips.
  2. Click the Close Trips Close Trips icon icon in the blue task bar. The Close Trips dialog box displays.
  3. Click the Comment field and enter an explanation about closing the bulk list of trips.
  4. Click the Close Trips Close Trips button button to complete the task.

Close Trips 


Exporting Bulk Trips

Exporting bulk trips is often useful during safety audits. MyEROAD can include a maximum of 10,000 trips in the export file. Perform the following steps to export bulk trips.

  1. Click the checkbox next to Status in the heading to select all trips.
  2. Click the Export Export icon icon in the blue task bar. The list is downloaded to a CSV file, which is shown at the bottom of the screen.
  3. You may open and/or save the file to your local computer.


Additional Resources

Unidentified Trips Overview

Viewing and Assigning Unidentified Trips