The Vehicle Trip Record (VTR) displays information of all trips for a vehicle in a month. The information in the VTR is used to generate Weight Mileage and RUAF mileage Reports.
The totals at the bottom of the screen give you an overview of the total tax miles as well as the exempt mileage per month and vehicle.
By clicking you will be redirected to the Daily Activity Report for the selected day and vehicle. Here you can change configurations for trips that have been automatically generated.
VTR does not contain information for today.
Reporting Period
You can change the month by clicking the blue arrows displayed at the top of the screen.
Exporting VTR
You can export your VTR in PDF and/or CSV by clicking the Menu in the upper right corner of the screen.
Adding Manual Trips
Trips are automatically generated by the system; however there is the ability to add manual trips to a day to complete your records, for reasons such as:
- If a vehicle has trips that occurred within a reporting period prior to the installation of the Ehubo.
- If an Ehubo fails, for example due to a crash, you will need to enter manual trips for the duration of the power failure.
- When allocating miles prior to submitting a report, you may wish to add manual trips.
You can add manual trips by selecting 'Add Vehicle Trip' from the Tools menu.
Once saved, the trip will appear on the VTR as a separate line with as part of the trip icon. You can change the details by clicking
Trips added manually will then affect your Weight Mileage, RUAF and Mileage Summary reports.
Adding Bill of Lading number
You can add one or more Bill of Lading (B/L) number/s by selecting 'Add B/L number' from the Tools menu.
Once saved, will appear next to the B/L number entered, allowing you to modify or add more B/L numbers as required.
B/L numbers are fixed for each day (not for each trip).
Adding Remarks
Remarks allow you to record anything that may have happened on a given day either for internal purposes or the event may be audit-relevant.
You can add Remarks (Comments) to the VTR by selecting displayed on the bottom right corner of the screen.
Any remarks that you have added will be displayed on screen and in the PDF version of the VTR.
Allocating Degraded Distance
Degraded mode occurs when the Ehubo cannot validate the distance measurement with two or more sensors for a distance of 10 or more continuous miles.
The Ehubo continues to estimate distance in degraded mode with a high degree of accuracy, but because the Ehubo can no longer attest to the measurement, it notifies the driver and any MyEROAD users to maintain paper records for that period.
Highlighted rows in the VTR indicate that degraded mileage is present. If part of that degraded mileage has already been allocated, this is shown in the line immediately beneath the highlighted row, with a capital "D" in the far left column.
To allocate remaining degraded mileage, click the "Allocate" button. This will generate the Degraded Distance pop-up window. Fill in the data on the screen to allocate mileage to the correct tax category and configuration.
Once you have allocated all degraded mileage the highlighted row will disappear and you will be able to file your WM report.
You are able to reallocate degraded mileage by clicking on .
Degraded Distance
Degraded mode occurs when the Ehubo cannot validate the distance measurement with two or more sensors for a distance of 10 or more continuous miles.
The Ehubo continues to estimate distance in degraded mode with a high degree of accuracy, but because the Ehubo can no longer attest to the measurement, it notifies the driver and any MyEROAD users to maintain paper records for that period.
The notification appears as a blue triangle icon on the Activity screen of the corresponding vehicle; the icon disappears once the vehicle's Ehubo returns to trusted mode.
All mileage traveling in degraded mode needs to be allocated to the correct tax category (OR taxable, out-of-state, exempt, configuration) on the VTR screen before the Weight Mileage report can be filed.
Allocating Degraded Distance
Highlighted rows in the VTR indicate that degraded mileage is present. If part of that degraded mileage has already been allocated, this is shown in the line immediately beneath the highlighted row, with a capital "D" in the far left column.
To allocate remaining degraded mileage, click the "Allocate" button. This will generate the Degraded Distance pop-up window. Fill in the data on the screen to allocate mileage to the correct tax category and configuration.
Once you have allocated all degraded mileage the highlighted row will disappear and you will be able to file your WM report.
You are able to reallocate degraded mileage by clicking on .
Filing a Weight Mileage Report
You will not be able to file a Weight Mileage Report until you have allocated the exact number of degraded miles for each trip to a tax category in the Vehicle Trip Report screen.
Any vehicle trip report with unallocated mileage is indicated by the red icon . Click on this icon to access the VTR screen and allocate degraded mileage.
If you have partly allocated the mileage the system will continue to indicate that there are remaining miles to be allocated.
Degraded Mileage in the Weight Mileage PDF Report.
If more than 4% of all miles traveling by any vehicle in a given reporting period were degraded, the WM report will indicate this with an asterisk and a percentage of total miles that were degraded.
All degraded miles, whether they meet the 4% threshold or not, must be allocated. You can review details on the allocated degraded mileage in the Vehicle Trip Report screen.
Note: As we are in the pilot stage - please send any comments or suggestions through the Feedback button (Bottom right of screen). All feedback will be greatly appreciated