Replacement Opportunity

Converting older fossil fuel transport over to EV-powered vehicles where possible or practical has been shown to be a significant mitigation factor against emissions.

Companies should always strive to ensure vehicles are kept serviced and roadworthy, but over time (with respect to emissions), older vehicles may run well, but increase emission intensity, due to unavoidable engine degradation.

replacement opp

The metrics shown are all based on the filtered choices with respect to emissions.

Replacement Candidacy

An overview of the fleetspace, broken down by the pragmatic potential of replacement.

Note: Replacement is about optimising fleet efficiences. High replacement candidates have fuel economy and emissions metrics above industry benchmarks, and:


  • Vehicle/asset age is over 10 years
  • Distance is over 600,000 km


  • Age over 4 years
  • Distance over 200,000 km

Due to the nature of a vehicle or its purpose, you may wish to replace a fossil fuel vehicle with a better fossil fuel performer. Replacement candidacy isn’t about moving TO electric vehicles: it’s about moving AWAY from inefficient performers.

  • Average: These vehicles appear to be performing well or as expected.
  • Good: These vehicles show indications that replacement is worth considering.
  • Excellent: These vehicles are serious replacement candidates for more environmentally friendly alternatives.

EV candidates

Unlike Replacement Candidacy, EV Candidates is about identifying vehicles that could move to EV-specific solutions.

The criteria for a vehicle to move to an EV solution varies between Heavy and Light Vehicles.

Replacement candidacy





Over 10 years

Over 4 years


Over 600,000 km

Over 200,000 km

Fuel economy

Worse than Benchmark

Worse than Benchmark


Worse than Benchmark

Worse than Benchmark

Electrification candidate




Average daily distance

Less than 100 km/day

Less than 150 km/day

Max. distance

Less than 150 km

Less than 400 km

Returns to Depot

At location at least 5 hours/ day

At location at least 5 hours/ day

  • Not suitable: The criteria above aren’t met
  • Good: The vehicle meets a majority of the criteria.
  • Excellent: The vehicle meets all of the criteria.

Fuel type

Fuel type shows the fleet split between petrol and diesel use. With respect to emissions, diesel is the greater polluter.

Potential fuel savings

This estimate is based on the filtered data’s fossil fuel use, compared to if that selection migrated to an EV fleet. Basically, this translates to the fuel used for the selection, as EVs wouldn’t use fossil fuels.

Potential CO2-e savings

This estimate is based on several directives and calculations from government agencies specialising in emission standards.

The table

Hovering over vehicle lines in the table shows more info on how the candidacy/opportunity recommendations were calculated. (Colours added for explanation.)


The first 6 items go to Replacement candidacy; the rest go to EV candidacy. The ‘darker’ numbers are scores.

The ‘bright’ numbers are the measurable factors. Replacement is based on four factors; EV Replacement is based on 3. The factors are currently weighted evenly in each section, but this may change over time.