The Fuel Usage Report combines transactional data from Fuel Suppliers with vehicle location and distance to provide consumption, cost and emission information across your fleet for the selected reporting period.
This report can be accessed by clicking on the Report button on the main navigation bar at the top of the screen.
Estimated Emission Information
Emission information is calculated using distance travelling and fuel consumed by a vehicle. The fuel type factors used in the calculation are:
Diesel = 2.72 kg CO2-e/lt.
Petrol = 2.36 kg CO2-e/lt.
The above emissions factors are used to calculate the estimated carbon footprint of transport fuels. Emissions factor source: Ministry for the Environment.
- Energy emissions are reported as a carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e) a standard single unit used to represent the different greenhouse gases produced through fuel combustion based on their global warming potential.
- The factor used for petrol is a weighted average of regular and premium petrol based on 2009 sales volume data from the New Zealand Energy Data File 2010 .
Filtering the Report
- The Fuel Usage Report does not contain information for today
- You may change the timeframe for the report by clicking on the date drop down box and selecting a preset timeframe from the list, or by choosing the "Date Range" option.
- The blue arrows
allow you to click back and forward in time, based on the timeframe displayed in the date selection box.
- You may change which vehicles the information is displayed for by clicking on the vehicle drop down box and selecting a Fleet from the preset list, or by choosing "Select Specific Vehicles" and clicking on one or more vehicles to run the report for.
Exporting the Report
This report can be exported in either PDF or CSV format, by clicking in the Tools dropdown in the top right hand corner of the screen.
This report can also be scheduled.