Bulk import and export driver details

You can manage driver details outside of MyEROAD by using EROAD’s handy bulk import and export feature:

  • Quickly set up your drivers in MyEROAD when rolling out EROAD units for your fleet
  • Simplified on-boarding of new drivers
  • Easily manage even large numbers of drivers
  • Extract driver details from MyEROAD for use in external systems

Keeping driver details up-to-date is easy and straight-forward, you can either:


  • You can import one licence per driver to add or edit the driver's primary licence
  • Existing details in MyEROAD that are not listed in the file will not be altered on file upload
  • You cannot edit Driver app settings via file upload
  • You can choose to use Excel (.xlsx) or CSV (.csv) files. If you have Excel installed, we recommend you use Excel files.
  • Do not change headings and cell formats in the file

QUICK TIP: To quickly set up your drivers with PINs, you can export your driver details from MyEROAD, add a PIN for each driver in the file, and then import the file back into MyEROAD. You could even randomly create PINs in the .xlsx file by using Excel formula =RANDBETWEEN(1000-9999).


Import driver details using the template

This is particularly useful when you currently don’t store driver details in the DRIVER tab in MyEROAD, or wish to upload new drivers:

  1. Go to DRIVER tab.
  2. Click arrow up2.
    get template
  3. Click GET TEMPLATE.
    The template will be downloaded into your browser.

    excel import
  4. Edit the file and save.
  5. In DRIVER tab, click arrow down.
  6. Choose file.
  7. Click UPLOAD.
    Details uploaded with the file will be available in the DRIVER tab in MyEROAD.


Manage driver details using import/export functionality

This is particularly useful when uploading a number of new drivers, or when editing existing driver details.

To bulk update driver details:

  1. Go to DRIVER tab.
  2. Click arrow down.
  3. Select In Excel or In CSV to choose the file format.
    The file including details of all drivers in the DRIVER tab will be downloaded into your browser.
  4. Edit the file and save changes.
  5. In DRIVER tab, click arrow up2.
  6. Choose file.
  7. Click UPLOAD.
    Details uploaded with the file will be available in the DRIVER tab in MyEROAD.

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