Overview Insights tab

The Insights tab presents major keypoints used to get a current snapshot of your fleet’s emissions profile, with respect to vehicles. (The Eco Driving tab presents general metrics with respect to driver behaviours.)
The usage information used in calculating fuel use and emission amounts are drawn from the USA’s Ministry of Energy, with metrics on vehicle idling here:Measuring emissions: A guide for organisations: 2022 detailed guide
The numbers presented are governed by the chosen Filter settings. By default, the last 30 days are selected for the company's entire fleet. Under the filter the fleet’s composition is shown by type: Heavy vehicle, Light vehicle, Trailers, and remaining fuel-powered assets.
Tip: Use tooltips
Tooltips are found throughout the Decarb featureset. Hover over them for instant info on the feature you want.
Absolute emissions
This is the total amount of CO2-e released into the atmosphere over the time period selected in the filter. The calculation for this figure aggregates the age, weight, year, distance travelled and total idle time of all vehicles in the fleet, then adjusted by an emissions factor sanctioned by the government.

The percentage shows whether you’ve increased or decreased your emissions burden since the last filtered period. Hovering over the percentage gives you summary stats of the calculation.
Emissions intensity
This is the emissions mass over a unit distance. Your absolute emission total could go down, but if your average emissions over a set distance remains the same or increases, that means more fuel is being used for less distance.
This measure has more impact with the Transport sector rather than construction.
Fuel emissions
Total emissions per type, measured in kg CO2-e.
High emission vehicles
Targets the most intense CO2-e emitting vehicles in the filtered range, compared to the industry benchmark.
Fuel economy
Target the top fuel burners with the highest L/100 km compared to the industry benchmark.
Lists vehicles with services due.
Links take you to the Service > Assets page where you may review the fleet’s service record properly.
Replacement candidacy
MyEROAD identifies fleet vehicles that may be good candidates for migration to emission-reduced vehicles. Heavy vehicles and Lights have different criteria:
Heavy criteria:
- Vehicle/asset age over 10 years
- Distance is over 600,000 km
- Fuel economy and emissions are above the industry benchmark
Light criteria:
- Age over 4 years
- Distance over 200,000 km
- Fuel economy and emissions is above the industry benchmark
Not used
Vehicles or assets that were not used during the selected time period.
Review usage patterns and consider removing or selling under-used vehicles, trailers, plant or assets.
Vehicles or assets that were used less than 20% of the selected time period.
Fuel economy
Displays the median fuel economy, compared to the median of all fleets within the filtered selection using EROAD telematics.
EROAD benchmarking involves taking real-world user data and categorising industry clusters. The data is anonymised and analysed to enable comparisons between the performance of your vehicles and industry averages. Various factors affecting performance are considered, such as vehicle age, geographic location, vehicle usage and more.
Overview Eco Driving tab
The Eco Driving tab presents emissions data with respect to driver behaviour.
Harsh driving
This card calls out the top and bottom five drivers for commendation or coaching, respectively, with respect to acceleration events… or their lack.
Good drivers are worth interviewing in order to pass on what they’ve learned to others.
Unproductive idling
This card notes engine idle without associated movement, to identify your leaders and laggers for coaching responses.
Potential CO2-e savings
This card attempts to measure the difference between productive and unproductive idling, translating the result into CO2-e mass in kg. Less unproductive idling, less emission weight.
Harsh driving chart
Drawing from the fleet’s harsh braking and harsh acceleration events, you’re able to get a picture over time of your fleet’s less-optimal fuel use over time.