Ehubo Status

The Ehubo status panel on the Details tab in the Activity screen allows you to monitor the health of your EROAD in-vehicle hardware units in Depot. Pick up issues with Ehubo, Ehubo2, Elocate or Ehubo Lite in a timely manner, and take action immediately.

To check the status of an Ehubo, click the vehicle on the Vehicle tab in the Activity screen.

Any issues will be highlighted with Ehubo status message in the vehicle bubble along with an explanatory message on the Details tab.

Ehubo status message OK on the Details tab signals that no issues are currently detected for the selected vehicle.


Check for a solution if an issue is reported:

Message Why can I see the message? Scenario Solution
power ISSUE.png
Unit offline 
Ehubo has not connected with Depot in over 24 hours. 

Has an isolation switch been applied to carry out maintenance work on the vehicle or similar?

Was cellular connectivity reduced at the time or not available?

In all other cases

Once the isloation switch has been deactivated, the Ehubo will return to work as usual, no further action is required.

If the message still shows in MyEROAD for more than 24 hours after deactivating the isolation switch, check for other scenarios.

EROAD in-vehicle hardware units use the mobile phone cellular network to communicate their information to the Depot. If vehicles go out of coverage, the EROAD products store information to be communicated later, when the vehicles comes back into a coverage area (2G and 3G networks).

Check your regional service provider's coverage maps for coverage status.

Please contact EROAD Support immediately.

cellular ISSUE.png
Reduced cellular coverage
Ehubo seems to be having issues connecting to the cellular network and has not connected with it in over 10 minutes. Was cellular connectivity reduced at the time or not available? EROAD in-vehicle hardware units use the mobile phone cellular network to communicate their information to the Depot. If vehicles go out of coverage, the EROAD products store information to be communicated later, when the vehicles comes back into a coverage area (2G and 3G networks).

Check your regional service provider's coverage maps for coverage status.
wiring ISSUE.png
Suspected wiring problem
Ehubo is reporting that the vehicle is moving with the ignition off. Has the vehicle been towed or transported at the time?
Is the ignition wiring faulty?
Please contact EROAD Support immediately.

We recommend that you have the vehicle inspected urgently.

Please let us know if you would like us to organise an EROAD installer to inspect the vehicle.
fault flat 32px 

The Ehubo has detected a potential fault or tamper attempt. Was there interference with the Ehubo case, internal circuitry or the sensor inputs? Please contact EROAD Support to resolve the fault/tamper via a formal resolution process.

An Audit Report of the fault/tamper has been created on entering unauthorised mode and can be viewed in new cogwheel7 / Administration / Ehubo Audit Reports in MyEROAD by Client Administrators and Unit Managers.
  The Ehubo cannot receive a constant, reliable GPS signal.

Has the Ehubo become temporarily blocked from line-of-sight to the sky?

Is there a potential source of radio/electromagnetic interference close by?

Does loss of GPS signal regularly occur at the degradation location?

In all other cases

 This status normally auto-clears once the Ehubo is clear of obstructions or interference.

If new equipment or devices have been installed, they may affect GPS reception. The Ehubo will estimate distance as best it can during fault conditions.

There may be some heavy equipment or shielded roadworks blocking a reliable GPS signal. This should clear once past the location.

Please contact EROAD Support immediately.

Please contact EROAD Support if none of the solutions above applies and the issue remains.