How can my drivers achieve 5 stars?
Star ratings are based on how the driver drives in relation to the EROAD driving population, and to be a five star Driver you need to be in the top 10% of the EROAD driving population.

Speed is a leading risk factor, and harsh braking and sharp acceleration can indicate erratic or aggressive driving, resulting from tailgating or failure to scan the road ahead, and leading to near misses, rollovers, or collisions. Focussing on eliminating over speed events, and harsh braking and sharp acceleration will increase star ratings.


Why can’t I see a vehicle/driver on the Leaderboard?
Vehicles or Drivers will only appear on the Leaderboard if they have travelled more than 200km over the previous 28 days – since a minimum amount of driving is required to fairly rank a vehicle or driver against the rest of the driving population.


My driver had the same driving events for this week, as for last week, why has he slipped from a five star to a four star rating?
Fleet managers are paying more and more attention to the Leaderboard and to the daily performance of their drivers. Your vehicles/drivers are being rated against the whole of the EROAD driving population, therefore if other EROAD drivers improve their performance, your driver’s star rating can still drop.


A vehicle has been driven by only one driver, why is the vehicle star rating different from the driver star rating?

We benchmark drivers and vehicles separately as the star rating is relative to the population. For vehicles, the star rating shows a comparison with other vehicles driven by the EROAD population. For drivers, the star rating shows a comparison with other drivers who are using an EROAD driver id solution.  Drivers show a much higher score due to increased accountability, therefore are measured against a higher standard.

To be consistent, we suggest that you choose either Vehicle or Driver to regularly review Leaderboard performance of your fleet.


Why does the Leaderboard rating take into account the absolute speed the vehicle was travelling at the time of the over speed event?
The faster a vehicle goes, the further it takes to stop and the greater the impact in a crash situation. The damage to a vehicle and its driver at the point of impact is in proportion to the automobiles speed – double the speed = four times the damage.


If I have two perfect drivers with no poor driving events, how do you decide who is ranked higher?
Distance travelled also contributes to driver rankings - a driver who has driven further with no incidents will be ranked higher than a driver who has driven less distance with no incidents. For instance Bill who has managed to drive 3000km with no incidents will be ranked above Beth who has driven 1250km with no incidents.


My driver was previously speeding, we had a chat and last week he had a great week of safe driving – but his star rating hasn’t improved. Why is that?
The star rating is based on the last 28 days driving, therefore all events from the last month are contributing to that score. As he keeps up the good work his rating will improve over the next few weeks.


What date range is the Leaderboard and Driver Insight based on?
The Leaderboard is based on the last 28 days from the last selected date in the date range.

The Driver Insight provides information for any selected date range from a week to a month. This date range can be set in the Leaderboard before drilling down to Driver Insight.

NZ Date Picker


What do the Organisation Comparison in the Driver Insight show?
The dials show the driving performance value for a vehicle/driver in comparison with the organisation’s maximum value across all vehicles/drivers for the selected reporting period.

Org Comparison

  • Your vehicle has driven 1176 km; the greatest distance any vehicle in the organisation has driven is 1631km.
  • Your vehicle has run for 25 hours; the most any vehicle has run in the org is 26 hours.
  • Your vehicle has 2 over speed events per 100km; the highest number of over speed events per 100km any vehicle in the organisation has is 6.

Why does the Driver Insight dial show 0 Over Speed Events per 100km but there are Over Speed Events listed?
If your Driver has driven a long distance with a small number of Over Speed Events, the events will be listed on the Driver Insight but won’t reach the threshold of 1 event per 100km. e.g. 4 Over Speed Events in 4000km translate to 0.01 events per 100km, and therefore will be rounded down to 0 on the Over Speed dial.