Setting up a Share connection is easy and will just take a few minutes.


On this page you can find information on:


For the viewing information, find detailed information on how to work with shared vehicles here.


How to start sharing

To set up EROAD’s Share feature a Share connection between two organisations has to be established before vehicles can be shared:

NOTE: Both organisations have to be EROAD customers, with vehicles on suitable vehicle plans.

  1. Invite a partner organisation to view your vehicles in MyEROAD.
  2. Select the vehicles you would like to share with them.
  3. Once your partner organisation has accepted your Share invitation they can view your shared vehicles in MyEROAD highlighted with a Share icon.


 1. Invite an organisation to view vehicles of your fleet:

  • Log into Depot as a Client Administrator.
  • Go to new cogwheel3 / Administration / My Organisation.
  • In Outgoing Vehicle Sharing Details click Invite another organisation to view your vehicle locations and fill in the Share Invitation screen:

Name of organisation: Organisation to view your vehicles
Their email address: Address that will receive the share invitation
Optional message: Fill in as required

  • In Shared Feature, tick the features you would like to share:

Current Location: Share current location of your vehicles (mandatory)
Activity History: Share journey lines of your vehicles for the current day (optional)
Partner Gateway: Share Partner Gateway information (optional)
Over Speed Dashboard: Allow monitoring of shared vehicles on the organisation's Over Speed Dashboard (optional)
Leaderboard: Allow monitoring of shared vehicles on the organisation’s Leaderboard and Driver Insight (optional)

NOTE: You can change the level of sharing by ticking or un-ticking shared features at a later stage. Your selection will apply to all vehicles shared with the organsiation and includes previous sharing periods.

  • Click Send
    The invitation email will be sent.

NOTE: You can revoke this invitation at any time.


2. Select the vehicles to share:

  • Go to new cogwheel3 / Administration / Manage Vehicles/Assets.
  • Tick vehicle checkbox(es) or tick the box at the top to select all vehicles.
  • Click Share Selected.
  • Select the organisation you wish to share the vehicles with.

NOTE: If an organisation is not listed, check if the organisation has been invited. 

  • Click Save.

NOTE: You can share and un-share your vehicles at any time.


3. Invited organisation to accept the share invitation:

  • On receiving a Share invitation email, accept the invitation by clicking on the link in the email.
    You will be re-directed to the MyEROAD.
  • Log in as a Client Administrator to activate the connection to the Sharing Organisation. If you are already logged in you don’t have to log in again.
    A Share connection will be established and shared vehicles will show on the viewing organisation’s MyEROAD the next day.

NOTE: Please check your email spam folder if you are expecting a share invitation but cannot find it in your inbox.

NOTE: Only Client Administrators can accept share invitations. Please forward the invitation email to a Client Administrator in your organisation if required.



How to manage what information is shared

To manage what information is shared, for example to add or remove Activity History or Over Speed Dashboard information to an existing Share connection:

NOTE: Your selection will apply to all vehicles shared with the organisation and includes previous sharing periods.

  1. Go to new cogwheel3 / Administration / My Organisation.
  2. In Outgoing Vehicle Sharing Details click Edit.
  3. Tick or untick Activity History and Partner Gateway and Over Speed Dashboard and Leaderboard.
  4. Click Save.
    Performance of all vehicles currently or previously shared through this connection will show on the viewing organisation’s Leaderboard, Over Speed Dashboard and Driver Insight reports. Past activity of currently cancelled or paused vehicle shares will be visible for their shared periods only.


How to stop or pause sharing

To cancel a vehicle Share, you can either:

  • Temporarily un-share vehicles so that they are no longer visible for the Viewing Organisation or
  • Revoke a share connection with an organisation altogether.


Un-share vehicles temporarily

Client Administrators and Unit Managers of the Sharing Organisation can share and un-share vehicles through a Share connection at any time. This is useful when temporarily sharing selected vehicles with an organisation for selected periods of time.

To un-share a vehicle:

  • Go to new cogwheel3 / Administration / Vehicles/Assets.
  • Select the vehicle(s) you would like to un-share or tick the box at the top to select all vehicles.
  • Click Share Selected.
  • De-select the organisation you wish to un-share the vehicles with.
  • Click Save to confirm selection.
    The vehicle is no longer shared with the viewing organisation, previously shared information is still available in the viewing organisation’s Depot


Revoke a share connection and erase all previously shared data from the viewing organisation's Depot

Sharing or Viewing Organisations can revoke a share connection at any time, vehicles will no longer be visible for the Viewing Organisation. A new invitation will have to be issued to establish a new Share connection if required.

To revoke a share connection:

  • Go to new cogwheel3 / Administration / My Organisation.
  • In Incoming Vehicle Sharing Details click on Revoke or in Outgoing Vehicle Sharing Details click on Cancel.
    The Share connection will be revoked, vehicle information previously shared through this connection will no longer be available in the viewing organisation’s MyEROAD.


How to monitor your sharing status

You can easily check and manage your current sharing status.


To review your active Share connections, levels of shared information and pending invitations:

  • Go to new cogwheel3 / Administration / My Organisation.

    Organisations you are sharing vehicles with are listed in Outgoing Vehicle Sharing Details.

    Organisations that share vehicles with you are listed in Incoming Vehicle Sharing Details.


To manage the extent of information to be shared, for example to add or remove Activity History and/or Partner Gateway information to an existing Share connection:

  • Go to new cogwheel3 / Administration / My Organisation.
  • In Outgoing Vehicle Sharing Details click Edit.
  • Tick or untick Activity History and/or Partner Gateway.
  • Click Save.

To review vehicles that are currently on Share:

  • Go to new cogwheel3 / Administration / Vehicles/Assets.
    Shared vehicles are displayed in the Shared column with a Share icon along with the name of the sharing organisation.