Manage Vehicles and Assets

The Vehicles page allows you to maintain a list of all Vehicles and Assets for your Organisation. This is a useful place to add vehicles, maintain their details and share vehicles with other organisations.

Only Unit Managers and Client Administrators can manage vehicles.


Add a Vehicle or Asset

Share a Vehicle or Asset

Change Vehicle Details

Change Asset Details

Configure Auxiliary Inputs

Remove a Vehicle or Asset


Add a Vehicle or Asset

Once you have selected the Vehicles/Assets button from the left hand menu in the Admin section of the system, you can select the Add New Vehicle or Asset button.

  1. Select the Fleet you wish to add the new vehicle/asset to

    You may need to go to the "Fleets (Groups)" area of MyEROAD and create a "New Fleet" if necessary.
  2. Enter a Display Name (Fleet Number or Registration Plate for example)
  3. Select whether the vehicle/asset is:
    • Registered Vehicle - Powered
    • Registered Vehicle - Unpowered (trailer)
    • Unregistered - Asset

For a Registered Vehicle

  1. Enter the Registration Plate for the vehicle and click the "Get Details from NZTA" button
    The registration plate will be checked against NZTA's vehicle database and the Make, Model, Year etc will display on screen.
  2. If the details shown are correct, click "Add Vehicle" to save the vehicle to the system.

    If the details are incorrect please check that you have entered your registration number correctly (alter and click "Get Details from NZTA" again if required).

For an Asset (Unregistered)

  1. Select the Asset type
  2. Enter the Make, Model, Year and Asset Serial (These fields are optional).
  3. Click "Add Asset" to save the asset to the system.


Share a Vehicle or Asset

Any vehicle on a suitable vehicle plan can be shared with another Organisation. Many vehicles can be selected and quickly shared or a single vehicle can be shared. A share invitation must have been sent by your Organisation, and accepted by the other Organisation before vehicles can be shared and viewed on the other Organisations's Depot.

Share many vehicles 

1. Go to the Vehicle page, and tick the grey checkbox to the left of the vehicle, to select it for sharing. Only vehicles on a suitable plan can be shared. 

Multi share vehicles


2. Click on the 'Share Selected' button in the right hand corner of the Vehicle page.

share button 2

3. Tick the checkbox of the organisation who you want to share the vehicles with and Save. If there are no organisations listed - then check that the organisation has been invited to share.

4. If the invitation has already been accepted by the other organisation- then the vehicles will be immediately shared and visible in their view of MyEROAD.


Share a single vehicle

1. Go to the Vehicle page, and select the Vehicle that you want to share.

2. Tick the checkbox of the organisation who you want to share with and Save. If there are no organisations listed - then check that the organisation has been invited to share.

share vehicle details3

3. If the invitation has already been accepted by the other organisation- then the vehicle will be immediately shared and visible in their view of MyEROAD.

share vehicle map


4. If the email invitation has not yet been accepted by the other organisation- the vehicle will not be shared until they have accepted.

5. A Client Administrator or Unit Manager can share vehicles with any organisation that has been sent a share invitation. 


Change Vehicle Details

  1. Select the vehicle you want to change from the list
  2. The Vehicle/Asset Details screen will display current information for the vehicle
  3. Update the vehicle as required
  4. Click "Update Details" to save changes Please contact EROAD if you need to change Registration Plate information for the vehicle


Change Asset Details

  1. Select the Asset you want to change from the list
  2. The Vehicle/Asset Details screen will display current information for the asset
  3. Click the "Edit" link to change the Display Name, Asset Type, Make, Model, Year and Serial by typing in the corresponding fields
  4. Synchronise the Odometer Reading displayed by clicking on the Odometer Reading
  5. Update Engine Hours by clicking on the Engine Hours reading
  6. Click "Update Details" to save changes


Configure Auxiliary Inputs

"Configure Inputs" administration is only available for vehicles with inputs connected to the vehicles, e.g. PTO connected to Ehubo.

  1. Configuration settings can be accessed by clicking "Configure Inputs"
  2. Choose a name from the drop down list to describe each connected input
  3. You will be able to use up to 3 sensor inputs per vehicle
  4. Select the appropriate idle report setting for each input i.e. select if idle time recorded while the input is "on" should be included or excluded from vehicle idle reporting
  5. Click "Update" to save changes against the vehicle

Please contact EROAD to add a different input name to the drop down list.


Remove a Vehicle or Asset

You can only remove a vehicle or asset if it does not have an EROAD product assigned to it.

To remove:

  • Click the "Edit" Link
  • Click the "Delete" button (next to the update button) if it is available.

Please contact EROAD to have a Vehicle or Asset deleted if it has an EROAD product assigned to it.