I have assigned the wrong Vehicle to my Ehubo – can I fix it?

You can unassign the vehicle from an Ehubo or Tubo only before it has been RUCHO’d. You can unassign an Ehubolite or Elocate at any time.


1. Find the Ehubo Serial number that you want to unassign from a vehicle, and click on the ‘Unassign’ link.


2. Click ‘Yes’ on the confirmation message – this will unassign the unit from the vehicle in MyEROAD.

3. If you wish to reassign, click on the ‘Assign to Vehicle’  link and reassign the Ehubo to the correct vehicle.


 If you need to unassign a Vehicle from an Ehubo or Tubo after it has been RUCHO’d please call EROAD Support.