
There are several reports available that assist in determining fleet efficiency and economy.

Booking report

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The Booking report provides booking-by-booking usage statistics for a specified period.

To compile a Booking Report:

  1. Use the date manus to create a date range.
  2. Select the Branch.
  3. Click Generate Report.

A report is generated.

After the Passengers field, 1-to-4 more fields may be listed, depending on the fields created in Manage settings > Tenants.

The Download button exports the table into a CSV format document to import into a spreadsheet application.

Utilisation report

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The Utilisation report breaks down vehicle use in terms of:

  • Utilisation Percentage: how much this vehicle was used as a percentage of a 40-hour week
  • Hours UsedHours Unused in the specified time frame
  • Number of Bookings in the specified time frame

FBT report

The FBT report splits bookings over Business, Maintenance and Personal use, for tax purposes. (Bookings are categorised when a vehicle is booked.)

Vehicle report

The Vehicle report Provides a fast overview of vehicle use in terms of Odo reading, distance travelled and the number of bookings.

Vehicle taken no booking

This report lists vehicles that have left a homebase geofence without an associated booking. This can happen in emergency situations, or if a driver has taken the wrong vehicle, or it has been removed in unusual circumstances.

This report lists each vehicle's closest-in-time booking. This can help diagnose if a vehicle has been taken early, or follow up with the last driver/booker.