Manage booking reasons

The booking reason is customisable. There are three default booking options, Business, Personal, and Maintenance, but the Organisation Admin can add other reasons. 

Note: if FBT reporting is enabled, any booking reasons categorised as Personal makes the vehicle FBT-obligated. 

To create a booking reason:

  1. Manage settings > Booking reasons. The Booking reason settings screen appears 
  2. Add. The Add booking reason panel appears
  3. Enter the reason
  4. Select the category from the drop-down menu
  5. Add.

The Add booking reason panel closes and the booking reason is saved. 

To delete a custom booking reason:

  1. Manage settings > Booking reasons. The Booking reason settings screen appears 
  2. Click "..." next to the custom booking reason. A drop-down menu appears
    23 delete booking reason
  3. Delete. A pop-up appears asking you to confirm your actions
  4. OK

The pop-up closes and the custom booking reason is deleted.

To disable a booking reason:

  1. Manage settings > Booking reasons. The Booking reason settings screen appears 
  2. Click "..." next to the booking reason. A drop-down menu appears
    21 edit booking reason
  3. Click Edit. The Edit booking reason panel appears 
    22 disable booking reason
  4. Tick Disabled, option hidden for new bookings
  5. Click Update 

The Edit booking reason panel will close and the reason will no longer be visible to users. 

Note: Admins will be able to see the disabled options when making a booking, however, other users will not.