Booking policies

A booking policy allows you to customise when a vehicle can be booked out including:

  • How far in advance a user can book
  • The maximum length of a booking
  • Limit the hour of the day available
  • Limit the days of the week

To create a booking policy:

  1. Manage settings > Booking policies. The Manage booking policies screen appears
  2. Add. The Add Policy panel appears 
    24 Add policy
  3. Enter your preferences 
  4. Click Add. The Add Policy panel closes and the policy is saved 
  5. Click Vehicles. The Vehicles screen appears 
  6. Click "..." next to the vehicle. A drop-down menu appears
  7. Click Edit. The Edit vehicle panel appears 

  8. Select the booking policy you want to apply
  9. Click Update

The Edit vehicle panel closes and the policy is applied to the vehicle. 

Note: An OrgAdmin may override a policy when making a booking. 

To edit or delete a booking policy:

  1. Manage settings > Booking policies. The Manage booking policies screen appears 
  2. Click "..." A drop-down menu appears
  3. To edit, click Edit. The Edit Policy panel appears
  4. Make your changes 
  5. Update
  6. A pop-up window appears asking you to confirm your actions appears 
  7. Click Ok

The pop-up window closes.

You may also delete a policy following the same path, selecting Delete for Edit.