Approval flows let you build sign-off stages for vehicle bookings, resulting in emailed alerts to authorising agents to allow a booking to go ahead. Approval flows ensure the appropriate people have visibility over the booking procedure.
Receiving approval flow emails
When a Booker attempts booking a vehicle with an approval flow, this triggers 2 notifications.
The Booker gets an on-screen pop-up:
And an email is sent to a BookingApprover:
Considerations and Conditions
- At least one person in the same branch as the vehicle needs to be assigned the role BookingApprover.
- To limit 'noise', only those with the BookingApprover role receive approval flow emails. The following associated roles will not receive these emails:
- BranchAdmins
- MultiBranchAdmins
- MultiBranchBookers
- OnBehalfBookers
- OrganisationAdmins
- If a BookingApprover books an approval flow-assigned vehicle, the booking is automatically approved.
- An OrgAdmin may be assigned the BookingApprover role.
- If there is No BookingApprover assigned in a vehicle's branch, bookings will skip all Approval Flows.
- Each vehicle requiring an Approval Flow needs it assigned in the Vehicles page.
- Bookings under an Approval Flow will lapse if no-one approves it by the intended start time.
To create an Approval Flow:
- Manage settings > Booking Approval flow > Add button. A side panel opens.
- Each Approval Flow needs:
- Name: Enter in the appropriate field.
- Conditions: Check the appropriate boxes if approval's required when a vehicle's activity or availability is:
- obliged to pay FBT.
- an inter-branch booking.
- a recurring booking.
- exceeds a maximum duration.
- booked on certain days. Slide the toggle to select the appropriate days.
- booked after hours. Slide the toggle to configure the appropriate time window.
- Update.
The new/edited Approval Flow appears in the list.
To assign an Approval Flow:
- Vehicles > find an appropriate vehicle > (...) Menu > Edit. A side-panel opens.
- In the Approval Flows field, select the appropriate Approval Flow.
- Update.
The vehicle has been assigned an Approval Flow.