Entering Bill of Lading (BoL) details on the Ehubo

Drivers can enter Bill of Lading (BoL) details in the vehicle using the Ehubo hardware. When a BoL number is entered by the driver, the EROAD Depot web application will be updated in real-time with the BoL details being recorded against the vehicles trip.

BoL can only be entered on the Ehubo in real time (prior to starting a trip). To change the trip configuration retrospectively, please use the Depot software.

To enter a BoL on the Ehubo: 

  1. Prior to starting a trip, and while the vehicle is stopped for at least 5 seconds, tap on the Ehubo screen.
    The screen will turn on.
  2. Tap on the 'BoL' button on your Ehubo screen.
  3. Enter the STP number using the key pad on the Ehubo screen. You are permitted to enter up to 20 characters into the text field.
    To switch between letters and numbers tap the button on the bottom left on the Ehubo screen.
  4. Tap 'Enter'.
  5. A confirmation message will appear on the Ehubo screen: "BoL entered".

Ehubo only on transparent BoL1Ehubo only on transparent BoL2
Ehubo only on transparent BoL3


The BoL entered will be automatically sent to the EROAD Depot software and can be viewed and managed on the Vehicle Trip Report (VTR) screen.

For driver safety, configuration changes on the Ehubo can only be initiated when the vehicle is stopped.