

Title : Show All Users.
URL : /users or /users/:id or /users?id=:id
Method : GET | POST | DELETE | PUT

URL Params : Required: id=[integer] OR Optional: photo_id=[alphanumeric]
Data Params : { u : { email : [string], name : [string], current_password : [alphanumeric] password : [alphanumeric], password_confirmation : [alphanumeric] } }
Response Codes: Success (200 OK), Bad Request (400), Unauthorized (401)


Vehicle Location                     Continuously track vehicle locations  
  Request GET / vehicleCurrentState  
    PUT /    
   Query Parameters   The following are used to identify the vehicle.  
    rego  License plate of the vehicle.  
    rego state  The US state the vehicle is registered  
     VIN   The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a unique 17 character string.  
   Example    <attributes xmlns="http://www.eroad.co.us/schema/CustomData">
        <key>Serial Number</key>

        <key>Front Temp °C</key>

         <key>Delivery Address</key>
         <value><[![CDATA[260 Oteha Valley Road,
Albany, Auckland 0632,
New Zealand.]]></value> 
    <!-- More Attributes -->

Note: Zero attribute nodes are accepted and will be used to blank out the current custom data display for a vehicle. However no more than 128 attrubute nodes will be accepted per message.

Vehicle Mileage     Query vehicle mileage readings daily or weekly to monitor vehicle maintenance schedule or lease mileage requirements.  
Hours of Service      Display driver availability  

GET /hos/drivers/hoursOfService

GET /hos/drivers/{id}/hours OFServiceSummary
