
Roles: Dashcam Fleet Manager; Dashcam Device Manager

Note: Camera features are not available on the Clarity Locate and Clarity Get service plans.

The Dashcams page is also accessed via the MyEROAD Dashboard card ‘Dashcam Assignment’.

Dashboard Dashcam Assignment


 Dashcams 04

Dashcams displays all dashcams in the fleet and includes associated vehicle information, optional capabilities, and a camera snapshot taken at the last ignition off event. 

The Last snapshot allows you to verify that the dashcam is operational and has the appropriate visibility.

Selecting a row takes you to that dashcam's Dashcam Health page.

EROAD allocates Clarity Dashcams to you as permitted by your service plan. Once installed, Clarity Dashcam assignment is handled by your Dashcam Device Manager.


  1. Search Serial: Shortlist your dashcams by serial numbers (in part or whole). 
  2. Select installation status: Shortlist your dashcams by:
  • All: All dashcams registered to the company.
  • Pending Assignment: Dashcams installed in a vehicle, but not assigned a service add-on (Front or Dual).
  • Pending Install: Dashcams assigned to the fleet but awaiting installation.
  • Installed: Dashcams installed and operating normally and recording footage.
  • Select vehicles: For large fleets, click here, start typing a detail (licence plate/ name) in the search field and qualifying dashcam vehicles are shortlisted.

The table

  • Last snapshot: Low-resolution snapshots taken at the last ignition off event.
  • Serial | Product: The dashcam's serial number and the type of device.
  • Vehicle info: The registration plate of the vehicle. This is only visible when a camera has been assigned to a vehicle.
  • Installation status: The dashcam's installation status, and the last amended date. 
  • Last online: The date and time of the dashcam’s most recent connection with MyEROAD. 
  • Plan: This will show whether the dashcam is using a Front-only, Dual, and/or Audio option plan.
  • Driver Log On: The log on device capability is either Enabled or Not Enabled.
  • Actions ('…' menu): This allows you to  Assign, Re-assign, Uninstall, or Manage dashcam, to change a dashcam's service plan.


    • Product: Select the dashcam plan in which this dashcam should be managed. The (n/m used) number shows how many dashcams are licensed within the plan's allocated amount.
    • Recording plan: Choose between having only the road-facing (Front) camera operating, or the front and cab-facing camera operating (Dual).
      Note: Changing the recording plan will affect overall duration of retention in dashcam memory. For example, changing from Front to Dual enables both cameras, but reduces the total recording time available on the dashcam.
    • Driver log on: Check to mandate driver log on, using a fob/swipe key. Leave unchecked for anonymous operation.
    • Automatic driver log off (conditional on Driver log on): Check to log off the driver automatically when the vehicle is turned off.
    • Repeated in-cab log on alarm: (conditional on Driver log on): A persistent alarm sounds if the vehicle is moving, but the driver hasn't logged on.
    • Confirm to set this dashcam's options.


Note: Enabling audio for Dashcams is a company-wide level setting. You can enable/disable this feature under Administration > My Organization > Camera Settings.


Use Settings for notifications and data retention options.


Clarity can detect harsh driving events, such as harsh braking, harsh acceleration and harsh cornering.

Clarity Edge has additional AI-driven detection events which can be enabled across all Clarity Edge units in your company.

To enable Clarity Edge Detectors

  1. Tap Manage detectors. A side panel opens.
    Screenshot 2024 10 15 at 7.36.46am
    The Ai detectors are in two tabs: Road facing and Driver facing.

  2. Select the FIRST column checkbox of a detection to enable it. Enabling creates triggered clips for that detection, and uploads them to MyEROAD.
  3. Select the SECOND column checkbox of a detection to enable in-cab audio alerts. These alerts take the form of brief spoken recordings broadcasted by the device.

Email notifications

You can receive email notifications for these events by setting up a notification.

To set up event email notifications:

  1. Admin > Dashcams
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click the Events toggle to enable email notifications. This will open a selection box to select appropriate notification events. OR...
  4. Click the Events pencil to edit the existing events for email notification
  5. Select your preferred notification events
  6. Update settings

You will receive an email when any vehicle registers a dashcam event.

Dashcams Offline

dashcams offline

You may want emails if dashcams have been offline for over 24 hours.

  1. Dashcams > Settings. A drawer opens.
  2. Select the Dashcams offline toggle. A pop-up appears.
  3. Select the number of days the dashcam hasn't reported events into MyEROAD.
  4. Update settings. The drawer toggle now shows the alerts on, with the interval listed below.

Video activity report

Toggle this service on if you wish to be emailed a daily digest of video events including all manual and auto-triggered events and top harsh driving drivers or vehicles.

Dashcam videoActivityEmail

Troubleshooting offline dashcams

Dashcams can go offline for extended periods for a number of natural reasons. For example, the vehicle could be:

  • parked/operating in tunnels or under hangars
  • seasonal equipment not in operation or;
  • in an area without cell coverage.

In the rare occasion that a fault or damage is suspected, help diagnose this problem by going through this checklist.

dashcam labelled

Step 1

Visually check the dashcam to see if it has any obvious signs of damage. If so, call EROAD Support to fit a replacement unit.

  • If no damage can be seen, go to Step 2.

Step 2

Visually check the power cable. Make sure it's connected – not loose or damaged.

If it is not damaged, but disconnected, reconnect the cable.

  • A 2 mm hex key is required to undo the small shroud screw which will allow the cable shroud to be removed.

Carefully insert the power cable, re-fit the shroud and re-tighten the shroud screw.

  • If there's physical damage, contact EROAD Support for a replacement cable.
  • If the cable is not damaged or disconnected, go to Step 3.

Step 3

Turn on ignition.

Wait 1 minute, then press the RESET button with an unbent paperclip, toothpick or similar.

  • It doesn't need much force, and you'll feel a small microswitch click when done correctly.
  • Check if both blue and red LEDs light up.
  • If the LEDs light up, the device should auto-recover.
  • If the LEDs do not light up, contact EROAD Support.


Data retention period

Requires: Dashcam Device Manager role for freemium options; Client Administrator Role and Financial Permission for premium options

By default, your Replay clips (and associated data, such as Replay notes and attached documents) are stored for a maximum of 18 months from the date of the upload in dedicated cloud storage facilities as part of the Dashcam service. After this time, Replay clips and associated data (notes, documents, etc) are permanently deleted.

A Client Administrator with financial permission may choose to extend this period, but a charge will be calculated in consideration of the extra storage capacity required.

A Client Administrator may also shorten this period, to minimise exposure.

To change your data retention period:

  1. Admin > Dashcams
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click the pencil icon with the Data retention period. A new modal window will appear.
  4. Select the new period.
  5. Check the confirmation box.
  6. Update settings
  7. Checks will be performed to see if you have financial permission to perform this change, if deletions may occur, or a cost calculation made, based on the number of dashcams in your fleet and the new period.
  8. If applicable, Confirm charges.

The new data retention period is applied to all Replay clips in storage.

Deletion Scenarios

When a video falls outside of the data retention period, it's deleted from storage permanently.

When the data retention period is decreased, videos that fall outside the new period will also be suddenly and permanently deleted. EROAD Advises you to make your own arrangements to archive this data using your own local storage process BEFORE decreasing your data retention period.

Fleet managers have a 30-day window in which to:

  1. Re-extend their Data Retention period to cover the video expiry dates.
  2. Contact EROAD Support and undelete expired videos.

Here are some scenarios for you to consider, with the following typical set up:

  • Previous Data Retention period: 18 months
  • New Current Retention period: 12 months

Under this change:

  1. An 18-month old event will be immediately deleted.
    To resurrect it, Data Retention must be extended back to 18 months or more than that i.e. 24 months/36 months (premium rate), and a Support request raised.
  2. A 17-month old event will be immediately deleted.
    To resurrect it, Data Retention must be re-extended to at least 18 months, and a Support request raised. It will exist for a month more, then automatically deleted.
  3. A 12-month old event will be immediately deleted.
    Both its age and its shortened DR period qualify it for deletion.
  4. An 11-month old event has one more month before it will be automatically deleted.