Role(s): Mobile device users
EROAD Inspect is a mobile/smartphone/tablet app that allows users to pull status data for a 'machine' (vehicle, trailer, other qualifying machine) and perform machine checks to keep Users safe and machines healthy.
Inspect uses a three-signature reporting regime:
- User reporting: The User logs machine defects during an inspection, and the report is submitted to the workshop.
- Workshop completion: The workshop repairs the reported defects and sends the machine back into circulation.
- User confirmation: The User re-inspects the machine, and confirms if the repairs have been carried out.
Downloading Inspect
EROAD Inspect is available from The Apple Store and GooglePlay.
Enabling an account
Using Inspect requires a username and PIN, provided by the company to their Users.
To enable Inspect for a User:
- MyEROAD > Driver > Driver profiles > Select a driver. The User's details panel appears
- If not already done, enter the User's username and PIN
- Toggle on Inspect App
- Update.
Inspect App is ready for the User to use. Inform the User of the username and PIN for use.
Operating Inspect App
Open the app and enter your Username and PIN.
Select a vehicle in your list to check, or if none are listed, tap Add Machine
A list of machines is presented in alphabetical order. If a machine has defects already logged against it, the number of defects will be displayed.
Note: To ensure the list is current – especially if monitoring a machine close to finishing a service – move to the top of the list and drag the list down (pull down) to refresh it.
Tap a machine, then tap an inspection type to begin.
Note: Tap Add Machine if you wish to conduct inspections for several machines. Commonly, this is used for machine combos, like a truck and trailer, truck and crane, or other combinations.
A User can add up to one powered machine (such as a tractor, truck or concrete mixer) and 4 unpowered machines (such as a trailer).
Each inspection is tailored for machine types defined by your fleet manager. The list of items is usually arranged so that you may circle the machine in the sequence of items presented.
The item you're required to check next is within a blue frame, with blue outlined buttons. The frame explains the pass conditions for each item.
When you select Pass, the item's button turns blue, and the screen auto-scrolls to the next item.
Tap Issue if the conditions aren't met. The Describe defect screen appears.
- Broken, Needs Replacement, Missing, Part Broken: These are shortcut buttons to add a brief note.
- Add comment: If defects need more explanation, tap to add more detail.
- How severe is it?
- Failed safe: The defect is superficial, light or does not affect the operation of the machine. Common examples are small dents in the body, peeling stickers, missing hubcaps
- Failed not safe: The defect means the vehicle is out of compliance, not road worthy or otherwise dangerous to operate. Common examples are wheels scraping against bodywork, broken/inoperative headlights/indicators, non-functioning radios, etc.
- Needs Attention: The defect might not be directly related to the item being addressed, nor affects compliance or safety. Common examples are wiper blade adjustments, too much cable slack under trailers, faulty running lights.
- Take a photo: Your smart device might request access to your camera for this operation. Take a photo that clearly identifies the problem.
Tap Done to finish logging the issue.
If a defect is marked as 'Failed not safe', the machine might not be legally road-fit, and therefore, cannot be operated. However, continue going through the inspection. You may catch more defects to be handled by the workshop.
When finished, tap Next.
The summary screen allows you to go back to issues you may wish to re-assign a more accurate comment or delete, using the trash can icon.
Deleting simply changes the state of the defect to Pass.
Tap Submit inspection when ready. The inspection data is transmitted to the company.
Defects Menu
Tapping the Menu button () shows the main menu, including access to the Defects list.